React Admin Alternative

React Admin AlternativeReact Admin Alternative
Looking for alternatives to Ruby Admin? Replace your React Admin panel and start building faster with JetAdmin.
How to build Admin Panel in 5 mins
to any data source
to any data source
Set up your data in minutes with a vast array of native integrations. Use REST for everything else.
Build and extend apps
with powerful UI builder
Build and extend apps
with powerful UI builder
Jet Admin provides a full set of components for your app: Tables, Fields, Buttons, Forms and more. Drag and drop the components and ship your app in minutes.
Jet Admin App
The frontend application that connects with your resources and displays your data
Visual Builder
An all-in-one editing feature that lets you run queries and organize components in your app
Custom Component
Your custom JS-based component built with React/Vue/Angular or JS Vanilla
Start building your Admin now
Ship your app in minutes. Drastically improve operational efficiency.